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EMPA is one of the leading regional IT distributors in the Middle East, Central Asia and North Africa regions. Founded in 1998, in Jebel Ali Free Zone, Dubai, UAE, EMPA Middle East has over fourteen years of active presence span across the Middle East & Africa regions.

Being its headquarters in Dubai, UAE, EMPA successfully employs a talent pool of 100+ professionals from four continents serving a wide spectrum of System Integrators, Solution Providers, IT Retailers and Corporate Resellers. With a diversity of workforce and experienced team of professionals, at EMPA we focus on delivering superior service to all our valued customers,wherever they are located.

Apart from our central warehouse facility in Dubai-UAE, the company has its regional offices and warehouses in Riyadh and Jeddah. Over the years, the company has become successful in building the trust of its customers by competitive pricing, unremitting inventory availability, ample marketing channel activities and exceptional logistics services.
EMPA Middle East is the authorized distributor of well-known brands such as Intel, Toshiba, Huawei, Kingston, Samsung, Kodak, Sandisk, Fujitsu, ESET, Transcend and Supermicro.

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