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KINGSTON - DataTraveler 6000
KINGSTON - DataTraveler 6000
KINGSTON - DataTraveler 6000
Manufacturer :
Category :

Protect sensitive data with FIPS 140-2 Level 3 validation and 100 per cent privacy.

Protect your organisation’s portable data by choosing Kingston’s ultrasecure DataTraveler® 6000 USB Flash drive. The DT6000 is FIPS 140-2 Level 3 validated and features 256-bit AES hardware-based encryption using XTS block cipher mode. XTS is the newest cipher mode and provides stronger protection than other block cipher modes such as CBC and ECB. DataTraveler 6000 uses elliptic curve cryptography (ECC), which is recommended by the United States National Security Agency (NSA) as part of the NSA Suite B set of cryptographic algorithms. Encryption keys are protected with a 256-bit Master Key Encryption Key (MKEK), preserving the AES 256-bit encryption strength. Its 100% hardware authentication eliminates the possibility of password brute force attacks by destroying all critical security parameters after 10 invalid login attempts. DataTraveler 6000 is rugged and waterproof1, with a titanium-coated, stainless-steel casing for added durability. It’s easy to set up and use, with no admin rights or application installation required.

DataTraveler 6000 is backed by a five-year warranty, free technical support and legendary Kingston® reliability.


- FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Validated

- US Department of Defence Data At Rest Tiger Team (DARTT) &

- USCYBERCOM approved

- Ultra-strong security architecture :

Drive locks down after 10 intrusion attempts and encryption

key is destroyed

No passwords stored on device or host

Hardware designed and assembled in the USA

United States National Security Agency Suite B set of cryptographic on Board™

Elliptic curve cryptography

Secure channel communication

Digitally signed firmware updates using Suite B SHA-384 and

- ECDSA P-384 :

DT6000 can operate with AutoRun disabled

Enforces tamper-free AutoRun files

Cryptography made in the USA

- Enforced complex password — Password is user-set with a minimum of three of the four characteristics (lowercase, uppercase, characters and numbers) required to prevent unauthorised access

- Full privacy — 100 per cent of stored data is protected by 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) hardware based encryption — master key recreated at logon

- Customisable — preload content, full security policy customisation, casing options

- Tamper-proof physical security barrier

- Waterproof — protected against water damage

- Guaranteed — five-year warranty with free technical support

- Ruggedised — titanium-coated stainless steel casing


- Dimensions 3.06" x 0.9" x 0.47" (77.9mm x 22mm x 12.05mm)

- Speed up to 11MB/s read, 5MB/s write

- Capacities : 2GB, 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, 32GB

- Compatibility designed to USB 2.0 specifications

- Operating temperature : 32°F to 140°F (0°C to 60°C)

- Storage temperature : -4°F to 185°F (-20°C to 85°C)

- Minimum system requirements :

USB 2.0 compliant and 1.1 compatible

Two (2) free drive letters required for use

References :






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