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The KODAK i1420 Scanner brings speed and agility to your business with the ability to handle documents in virtually any condition or size at up to 60 pages per minute. For ease of use, duplex scanning captures both sides of documents in one pass, and enhanced Perfect Page image processing make your images crisp and clean.

  • Handles all kinds of documents ranging from onionskin to card stock in just about any condition, up to 863 mm (34 in.) long, at speeds up to 60 pages per minute/120 images per minute (at 200 dpi)
  • Gives you outstanding image quality with the latest Perfect Page image processing, including background color smoothing, improved color accuracy, automatic color detection and much more
  • Easy connectivity and fast image transfer with USB 2.0 interface
  • Smart touch feature allows you to easily scan to file, e-mail, publishing or other desktop applications with just one click
For more information on this product, please email us at
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